• Help children learn

  • Starting at level zero-
    Early Childhood

  • Education is too vast
    for a singular perspective-
    collaboration is essential

Millions of schools are struggling to support students during COVID and thousands are on the verge of shutting down. A country as big and populous as India needs the power and beauty of a lot,
A LOT of change makers!

But making change is difficult and that’s where we come in. Our mission is to create a movement of empowered educators to innovate and meaningfully make education better for children, now!!!

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About Us

Who We Are?

Barefoot Edu Foundation is a grassroots organisation founded by a Young India Fellow, Teach for India Fellow and Harvard Graduate who trust in the potential of people. We believe that if we do not rapidly improve education, the largest youth population in the world may grow up to be the largest unemployable population in the world. A country as big and populous as India requires a lot of leaders at the grassroots that are empowered to meaningfully contribute to education right now.

Our Vision

Every child has a strong foundation to Think, Feel, Dream and Act
Know more

Our Values

  • Trust

    Trust engenders trust

  • Commitment

    To words, actions and people

  • Openness

    The situations on ground will challenge your core values multiple times and mould you as person. Any change, mistake or obstacle, no matter the magnitude, can be overcome or circumvented through open conversation. You have our unconditional support.

  • Common ground

    Different perspectives are key to inclusive interventions but fundamentalism brings work to a standstill. Find common ground to get the job done

  • Open Communication

    We foster an environment for oneself, team members, seniors and stakeholders where ideas, challenges, feedback and expectations can be shared freely and respectfully Inter Dependence: We operate from a place of trust (not doubt) in each other. We build trust by sharing and inquiring. We create a two way street of trust with the intention of trusting and the expectation of being trusted upon Taking Ownership: We take responsibility for our commitments, we value the opportunities presented to us professionally and personally. We own up to our work, our achievements, our decisions and also to our mistakes. Sense of Possibility: We set bold, ambitious goals and expectations in order to meet our vision. We approach our work and new ideas with openness and optimism. We strive towards setting and achieving high standards for ourselves. We commit to add value to any work that we perform. Diversity & Inclusion: We respect diverse ideas, mindsets, people and contexts. We strive towards understanding this diversity and engage with it. We strive to make the organisation an inclusive space where people feel safe to express this diversity. We carry this respect for diversity to our stakeholders.

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