Our Services

School Transformation

We help low fee private schools undergo a 3 year school transformation aimed at making them 100% compliant with the NEP.
We believe that piecemeal solutions like teacher training and infrastructure development are independently inadequate to confront the learning crisis but can do wonders when combined. In fact, for these improvements to be effective and sustainable, the entire system must transform its methods of functioning. We focus on 5 domains of school development: early childhood education, teaching and learning, leadership & management, co-curricular development and community engagement. This form of wholesome and direct implementation helps keep us sensitive to the challenges that schools face at the grassroots while we scale impact through leadership building.
Programs: Lantern School Transformation | The Right Pitch | Preparing Pre-schools for Learning

Leadership Building

Barefoot Edu Foundation believes that for any intervention to be truly sustainable, it must be led by the local community from inception. This means truly respecting the term ‘co-creation’.
We recognise that many School leaders, teachers, and anganwadi workers passionately serve their communities and lead change in many imperceptible ways. Our unique approach treats them as micro-entrepreneurs and custodians of community knowledge. We build their leadership capacity in entrepreneurship and school management so that their voice, values, and goals shape education at the grassroots. Their efforts have the vocabulary of the community, are contextualised and are able to navigate the on ground realities. This makes their interventions scalable with significantly less capacity building.
Programs: Rehnuma | Project Sakhi | The Changemaker Fellowship